which ones do I take?
Supplements are recommended as you are losing weight due to dietary restrictions. The following 3 supplements are recommended:
omega-3: fish oil (or flax seed oil)
the multivitamin
The Physicians' Health Study II, published in 2012 by Harvard researchers, found that men who took a daily multivitamin for 11 years had an 8% lower risk of cancer and a 9% lower risk of cataracts compared with a placebo group. A multivitamin (part of a prenatal) is healthy for pregnancy, so it can't be unhealthy for an nonpregnant patient—man or woman.
Know your own nutritional intake. If you eat many colors of vegetables daily, it is unlikely you need a daily multivitamin. Furthermore, people ingest some alcohol, which does reduce B vitamins. Most individuals do not have significant variations in their vegetable intake or minimally eat veggies, so it is safe to say, most individuals will need a multivitamin. I
If you have had bariatric surgery, you have to take a multivitamin. It is important to have your micronutrients (vitamins) tested at least annually.
the omega 3's
Fish oil is also a healthy supplement to consider with minimal risks of side effects. We know fish is great for pregnancy, babies and children, so eat fish (eg salmon) to obtain those healthy omega 3s. Fish is also excellent in individuals with higher triglycerides. Fish oil (omega 3s) is anti-inflammatory. Ideally you should eat fish twice a week at least to obtain theses healthy omega 3s. If not, the next best alternative is to take fish oil. Remember supplements cannot be taken in excess. Excess fish oil can cause increased risk of bruising and bleeding.
the probiotic
Stress and poor nutrition affects a person's intestinal or gut health. Your gut biome in turn affects your mood, metabolism and weight. Probiotics have been linked to weight maintenance as well as long term weight loss.
it's annoying to open so many bottles!
Prepackage your supplements. You can purchase 4 weekly pill packs and organize your supplements a month at a time.
what else?
Remember supplements may not be for everyone, so check with your physician first.
If you have a history of weight loss (or bariatric) surgery, make sure to check your vitamin levels regularly.
Other supplements may be necessary such as vitamin D, so check with your doctor.
Still uncertain? Connect with the doctors at pillarMD to see if you should have your vitamin levels checked.