If you haven't already read pillar practice: avoid eating out more than 3 times per week, click here to read that article first!
In this post, we will give you 7 days of educational tips about the importance of eating out less and 1 thing you can do every day to help you on your first week.
Educational Tips
Day 1: There are 70% more calories in pizza, 75% more calories in cheeseburgers and 190% more calories in fries from fast food restaurants nowadays when compared to the calorie content in items that were served 30 years ago.
Day 2: In the summer of 2016, medical researchers found a link between fast food consumption and breast cancer.
Day 3: A 2010 study found that 48 percent of soda fountains at fast food restaurants contain coliform bacteria, commonly found in feces. Microbiologists from Hollins University don't know how it gets there, but suspect it may come from dirty cleaning rags or unwashed customer hands.
Day 4: Studies have found that those living less than two miles from a fast food restaurant are more likely to have a high BMI.
Day 5: A Single Burger May Have Parts from More Than 100 Cows
Day 6: 34 percent of American kids eat fast food on a given day.
Day 7: A 2012 study in the Journal of Public Health Nutrition found a link between the consumption of fast food and high rates of depression.
Day 1: Plan to cook at least one extra meal at home this week with leftovers
Day 2: Order groceries
Day 3: Skip the coffee shop/drive thru breakfast today
Day 4: Bring your lunch to work today
Day 5: Cook dinner at home, make extra for leftovers
Day 6: Pack a picnic
Day 7: Skip a meal-try intermittent fasting