Meal Replacements may be a means to an end when you are first starting on your weight loss journey. Not only do meal replacements help with weight loss, but use of meal replacements is one of the habits that are associated with long term weight control.
meal replacement replaces a meal
It is important to remember that meal replacements are to be consumed instead of your regular meal, not in addition to.
you have choices
There are a variety of bars or shakes that can be chosen as a meal replacement.
what do you do with a meal replacement?
A typical starting point could be to replace two meals a day and one snack with meal replacements and to have one meal a day on your own. For many people this is dinner, but that is one of the conveniences of meal replacements, you can choose.
it makes life easier
Meal replacements offer many benefits including less decision making. You don’t have to think about what you are going to have for your next meal as it is already decided for you. You are also able to take them with you and eat on the go during a busy work day or weekend. Meal replacements also offer built-in portion control.
If you feel you want to jump start your weight loss, are trying to get past a weight plateau, or just would like the ease of not needing to think about what you’re going to eat for the next few days, you may want to consider meal replacements.
wanting meal replacements?

If you’re thinking of taking the next step and want to start meal replacements, talk to the doctors at pillarMD. It is important that use of meal replacements be one part of a weight loss plan. The obesity trained physicians at pillarMD are ready to help you navigate the addition of meal replacements. If you haven’t already signed up to be a pillarMD patron, click here. Ask your pillarMD doctor about their favorite meal replacement.