is your family on your side?
Are you drooling while you watch your husband eat a greasy hamburger? Are your teenagers rolling their eyes when you put the veggies on the table? Have you noticed that it is so much harder to make a lifestyle change when your family isn't quite on board?
Teaching our family how to stay healthy seems impossible and painful at times. But, think of all the other things that we teach our kids: potty training, sleep training, respect, sharing, reading, writing, and arithmetic...just to name a few. We forget that teaching them to lead a healthy lifestyle will actually have the biggest impact on their entire life. And, we already know that the best way to teach someone how to do something is to teach by example.
So when do we start?
Right now! Studies show that women who struggle with their weight during pregnancy are more likely to have children who struggle with their weight. It's hard to start a lifestyle change while you're pregnant, so why not start before conception? The pillarMD program teaches you how to live a healthy lifestyle no matter what stage you are in life.
Already have kids?
Never too late to start. Did you know that a child has to try something 10-15 times before deciding if they like it? Persistence pays off-keep trying those veggies.
Feel bad about saying no to your kids when they want a soda like all their friends?
How is that different than the peer pressure they might get to smoke cigarettes? Teaching your kids right from wrong is one of the hardest but most important parts of raising healthy kids.
Are you always the bad guy? Are you and your spouse on the same page?
Just like discipline, you and your spouse should have a clear and common message to provide your kids. Remember, that you don't have to be perfect. Consider allowing some wiggle room in the diet when vacationing, on weekends, or at parties.
pillarMD plan:
Try to eat dinner together at least three times a week.
Keep it healthy at home. Avoid processed foods and snacks at home. Never buy sugar sweetened beverages.
Describe healthy foods to your kids often. Remind them that these healthy foods make them strong and fast.
Let the kids help in the kitchen.
Don't make them finish the plate, but ask them to at least try each food on the plate. Remember, it can take 10-15 times before they actually like something.
Try making veggies in different ways.
Avoid discussing weight with young children, focus on health more. Example: Instead of telling them that they will get fat with ice cream, try saying "ice cream has a lot of sugar, it is okay to have a little bit, but a lot of sugar can make you very sick".
Lead by example. They are watching your every move.