Goal: 16 to 18 hour fast (eating window of noon-8PM for 16 hour fast).
Eat 2 reasonable meals during your eating window.
Drink plenty of fluids as you are fasting.
Pay attention to your body.
I'm hungry! Think: sip caffeine, eat healthy snacks.
Take your supplements.
You can do it!
16 -18 hour fast
There are multiple methods of intermittent fasting (IF), but the 16-8 (8 hour eating window) method is one of the easiest ways to be successful especially if you have a family. For example, this method does not disrupt family dinner, since you can still eat a normal, reasonable meal in the evening. If you stay busy at work, you can go through the end of the 16 to 18 hours of IF being distracted at work.
If 16 hours is too difficult, do not be disappointed, since your body has to learn this new way of living. Slowly work your way up ie break your fast at 10AM one day, and in 1 or 2 weeks, break your fast at 11AM and so on to reach your goal.
2 reasonable meals
One of the goals of IF is to shorten your eating window, which minimizes your insulin rises through the day. Remember excess insulin or continual stimulation by insulin causes weight gain especially in the belly area.
IF can result in weight loss if you do not eat excessively during your 8 hour eating window. Make sure to be mindful of this.
Plenty of fluids
Once you fast for 12 hours, your body will switch its energy source to fats (particularly triglycerides). Remember after you eat, your body uses the sugar you just ate or stores the sugar as fat. With the burning of this fat with fasting, you will breathe slightly faster creating thirst and increase voiding, or urination. This is why hydrating well is so important to feeling well, so you do not become dehydrated. Broth is a great option in the morning during your fasting.
Pay attention to your body
IF is a great way to lose and maintain weight. That being said, remember to pay attention to your body. If you are ill, do not fast and eat a healthy breakfast. You can always resume IF when you feel better.
I'm hungry!
Sip caffeine (black coffee, green tea, etc) through the morning. This can help suppress your hunger as you are fasting.
IF should not cause misery. If you are really hungry, it's OK! Consider eating a something healthy ie handful of nuts, cheese, etc. See a healthy snack list here.
IF is a form of reduced caloric intake when done correctly. Since you are eating less, make sure to be taking a multivitamin, a fish oil along with a probiotic daily.
You can do it!
Starting anything new can be a challenge, but it does get easier! Remember to take it 1 day at a time and be patient. You are also not alone in this journey. Check out pillarMD for more information.